
Learn Sexy Anger!

Are you angry enough? Are you attractive enough? Do you have enough addictions? No. You do not. That is... not yet. This August, you WILL learn sexy anger. You WILL reach out and crush someone. You will come to know...


The Power of the Crystals is NYC's premiere motivational seminar/rock opera. Featuring the music of The Missing Teens (America's favorite non-boy band), dancing wives, television personality Ted Tappert, and a Powerpoint presentation that can make even the hardest heart melt, POTC is set to take the FringeNYC 2011 Festival, this August, by storm.

Only the destruction of the world by Aztecs in the year 2012 could be more exciting than participating in the FringeNYC, but get this: while we rehearse and prepare our staging, we are also recording the soundtrack album for POTC, featuring crowd-pleasers such as "Stack of Documents" and "You Can Act Like A Man," and plan to release the album online to coincide with the FringeNYC in August. How's THAT for upping the ante? It's two projects... in ONE! Holy Synergy, Batman!

Your contributions are vital to our success. We will be paying our cast, crew, and band, paying for advertising and promotion, and paying for recording and mastering of the soundtrack album. Without your contributions, we will be failures. FAILURES! Do you really want our failure on your conscience? What would your mother think?

We guarantee that POTC is truly unique. It is not a musical, it is not a play, it is not a rock concert. It is something more, something new. We are taking a big risk bringing this exciting project to the stage. And we cannot do it without you.

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