Deep beneath the roots and soil, past the wall at the edge of the world, Aya is searching for her lost children...
by J.C. Lee
The last play of our 4th season and the final play in the apocalypse trilogy we have been rocking for a year now is finally here.
The Nature Line tells the story of a post-apocalyptic civilization in the turbulent process of re-birthing itself.
Women, once the engines of life, now must resort to mysterious medical procedures in order to conceive as touch has been outlawed after a tragic epidemic. Aya defies society by breaking free into the natural world in search of love and motherhood.
^^^That sounds kinda bleak. Yeah it can be heavy- But what I left out was the adorable charm of the young girl Aya meets on her journey, the kick ass fight scenes and dance "talent show", and the hilariousness of the "team of dudes".
QUESTION: "I didn't see the other two plays in the trilogy, will I know what is going on?" ANSWER: "Yes! As with the other two pieces, this play stands alone as it's own story."
Thursdays - Saturdays
August 4th - 27th
All Shows 8pm
Tickets at the door: $17/$20*
Tickets online: $15/17*
*closing weekend
The Phoenix Theater
414 mason st. @Geary
6th floor, San Francisco
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