If you have any questions about the far out way, now is your chance to find out the truth directly from one of the contemprary world's foremost practitioners of sexy anger!

what is going on in the mishap universe?
Are you angry enough? Are you attractive enough? Do you have enough addictions? No. You do not. That is... not yet. This August, you WILL learn sexy anger. You WILL reach out and crush someone. You will come to know...
The Power of the Crystals is NYC's premiere motivational seminar/rock opera. Featuring the music of The Missing Teens (America's favorite non-boy band), dancing wives, television personality Ted Tappert, and a Powerpoint presentation that can make even the hardest heart melt, POTC is set to take the FringeNYC 2011 Festival, this August, by storm.
Only the destruction of the world by Aztecs in the year 2012 could be more exciting than participating in the FringeNYC, but get this: while we rehearse and prepare our staging, we are also recording the soundtrack album for POTC, featuring crowd-pleasers such as "Stack of Documents" and "You Can Act Like A Man," and plan to release the album online to coincide with the FringeNYC in August. How's THAT for upping the ante? It's two projects... in ONE! Holy Synergy, Batman!
Your contributions are vital to our success. We will be paying our cast, crew, and band, paying for advertising and promotion, and paying for recording and mastering of the soundtrack album. Without your contributions, we will be failures. FAILURES! Do you really want our failure on your conscience? What would your mother think?
We guarantee that POTC is truly unique. It is not a musical, it is not a play, it is not a rock concert. It is something more, something new. We are taking a big risk bringing this exciting project to the stage. And we cannot do it without you.
Art is a powerful but inherently limited a political tool. It can deliver a message about a moral issue and perhaps make its audience feel guilty enough to want to make a difference. It can’t, however actually directly fix a problem. If there are real problems to address, why waste time making art? Aren’t there more effective ways to get a message across? Banksy’s Oil Spill Dolphin Ride can’t clean up a drop of the oil that was spilt in the Gulf of Mexico recently. It can, however, force its viewer to pay attention to unpleasant consequences of our petroleum “addiction” that can otherwise be easily ignored.
It could be suggested that all art is political. The difference is that some art reinforces society’s current order while some challenges the status quo. Throughout history, portraits were painted of (and almost exclusively commissioned by) the rich and powerful. Art that contradicted the desired message of the ruling class (and/or the church) would probably not be seen. The wealthy of our current age are similarly unlikely to purchase or fund artwork that offends their sensibilities or opposes their worldview in any significant manner. Rich art patrons who support “controversial” work are merely attempting to prove how “hip” and intellectual they are and to excuse and separate themselves from the crimes of their class. Even the seemingly completely apolitical abstract expressionist paintings of artists such as Jackson Pollock were promoted during the cold war by the CIA as examples of the individual freedom citizens had in the United States, supposedly a characteristic exclusive to our capitalist system.
Haacke’s MOMA Poll, while less direct than his later, more explicitly politically motivated work (such as Metromobiltan, the Shapolsky Manhattan Real Estate piece, etc.) confronts museum patrons with Governor (and MOMA trustee) Rockefeller’s implicit support of the Viet Nam War. The piece, however, seems less about this issue and more about effect his audience had upon the museum space. The audience is encouraged to participate in the artwork, directly manipulating the “sculpture” by depositing papers into one of the two transparent cubes. Despite the apparently overt political nature of the poll’s question, the message of the piece is somewhat muddled and it ends up closer his Condensation Cube and Grass Grows, in which the sculptures are altered by exterior forces.
The Art Workers Coalition’s Poster is an example of artwork expressing far more than mere words ever could. It’s easy for those of us lucky enough to live in the relative safety and luxury of the United States to ignore the harsh realities of the world. Art such as this can remind us of the true costs of our way of life. Juxtaposed over the photograph of the dead My Lai civilians is the seemingly detached testimony of a soldier / witness in the stark, dehumanizing type of bureaucratic government documents. We are forced to face the sheer horror of war when we are confronted by this incredibly disturbing image, the direct result of our nation’s military policy.
Even with all its limitations and “impotence” art can communicate ideas in ways that words cannot. While it may be easy to dismiss as an ineffective manner to change things, artistic “gimmicks” can often grab people’s attention far more effectively than social work or traditional protests. While a painting can’t feed the hungry or eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels, it can change minds, which may, in the end be more significant than any single direct political action.
Remember your high school prom? Are you ready to forget it?
You're gonna get lucky for sure, dancing and romancing to the sounds of:
the R&B Free-Jazz Gospel Supreme 80
& fab prom DJ, Adam Infanticide
This is bound to be an evening you won't soon forget, at least until the morning (the plentiful spiked punch will make you don't remember a damned thing).
Quality art by your classmates, Eric Meltesen, Adam Beebe and others, or at least who you wish had been your classmates instead of the losers who really were.
The young and beautiful will make and break love connections galore, especially with you.
Do not miss the Mishap Prom or prepare to suffer a horrible inferiority complex for months afterwards. This year's theme: "enchanting tropical paradise".
8PM, Friday, August 28th
at the Blue Macaw (formerly 12 Galaxies)
2565 Mission (at 22nd) in lovely San Francisco 94110
$13, $10 in formal wear
The Missing Teens are playing LIVE once more, this Saturday (June 20)!
Come out on to Von King Park in Brooklyn at 4pm (on Lafayette between Marcy and Tompkins - directions below) and watch us rock out with our cocks in. Featuring 2 new tunes! You'll laugh, you'll cry.
And hey - why not stop by at noon to see Darren "Black Thor" Jones' other project, Shadz of Red, rock out as well? It's not like you can get too much rock in your life, am I freakin' right, here?!?!?
To prepare, of course, memorize all the lyrics and musical breakdowns found here: http://themissingteens.com
And of course, buy our CD!!!
By Car: From Downtown Brooklyn, take Flatbush Avenue southbound away from the bridges and turn left on Lafayette Avenue. The park will be on your right immediately after passing Marcy Avenue.
By Bus: Take either the B38 bus (running east on Lafayette Avenue and west on DeKalb Avenue two blocks north) or the B43 bus (running south on Tompkins Avenue and north on Throop Avenue one block west).
By Subway: Take the G train to Bedford-Nostrand Avenue Station. From the Nostrand Avenue exit, the park is one block east along Lafayette Avenue.
This Friday, The Missing Teens debut their new live sound at Don Pedro in Williamsburg. We hope you're ready to scream like a schoolgirl!
Don Pedro is at 90 Manhattan Ave, between Boerum and McKibben (L to Montrose, G to Broadway, or J/M to Lorimer). The show is $5. Don't miss out on the crazy happy hour - $2 well drinks and $3 beers until 10pm!
This is a birthday party too; come at 8:30 to see James Call & Erotic Photo Hunt kick off the 30 songs in honor of the 30 questionable years of James' life! (and let's not forget a "bon anniversaire" to our very own bass guitarist Dave "That's Fantastic" Tirolo as well).
Make your way down by 10pm for America's "other" favorite band, Psycho Rainbow!!! To be followed thereafter by the Teens themselves.
Not sure why you should be so damn pumped to see The Missing Teens live? Go to their website and find out for yourself why they're being described as "like a sensual massage from a young Bill Clinton on meth" and "the top suspects for the future assassination of the Jonas Brothers."
And it's not like you can't buy their hot new album, Music For Young Adults, at Amazon.com or the iTunes store either! Stimulates the economy!
Finally...be our fan on Facebook! Why not? You know all you do is sit around on Facebook all day updating your status message and shit.
Zoyres, The Gomorran Social Aid and Pleasure Club, Damon & The Heathens
Mardi Gras celebrations all over the world traditionally culminate on Fat Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday (the name Mardi Gras actually means Fat Tuesday as it turns out). From what I understand the idea is to get all your sinning out before Lent when you have to give everything up.
Who better to celebrate this day of decadence with than The Gomorran Social Aid and Pleasure Club? After all, they take the second part of their name from the societies of people who build Mardi Gras floats for New Orleans-groups who call themselves “Social Aid and Pleasure Clubs”, and they know a thing or two about getting the sinning started!
Of course anyone who’s seen the Gomorrans before knows that they’re more then just a great Mardi Gras band. Blending elements of Vaudeville, Motown, freak-out psychedelia and a New Orleans funeral you’ll be kicking yourself all through Lent if you miss their return to
Also playing that night, Zoyres Eastern European Wild Ferment will help you get all your sins out the traditional Eastern European way with their unique take on that region's music. And for the heathens in the bunch who just want to drink away there nihilism, there’s the horn-filled soul jazz apocalypse of Damon and Heathens.
A night to remember… or forget if you do it right.